NÖ Landesgesundheitsagentur (The Health Agency of Lower Austria)

The Health Agency of Lower Austria (NÖ Landesgesundheitsagentur) is the umbrella organisation for all Lower Austrian clinics and for the Lower Austrian centres of care, assisted living and support centres. An innovative working environment, long-term job prospects and top education and career opportunities characterise all of our sites. Together, we guarantee the best care for people in all our regions – from birth to care at a very old age.

Bild zeigt eine schwangere Frau und einen Menschen im Rollstuhl

Medical and nursing care in Lower Austria

Lower Austria - a great place to live

Right in the heart of Europe: Lower Austria has always attracted people and strengths. Its special geographic location has not only brought about a rich cultural heritage, but also an incomparable diversity of landscape types due to four different climate zones: alpine, Pannonian, north and south European. Alluvial forests and steppes, mountain pastures and lakes, gorges and hilly landscapes, river valleys and moors characterise this province in eastern Austria.

  • Population: 1,724,294
  • Area: 19,186 km² (7,408 sq. mi.)
  • Provincial capital: St. Pölten

Working in Lower Austria

An initial overview: living, working, residing, as well as education, health and leisure time in Lower Austria. Information, contact persons and helpful tips for your move to Lower Austria.

Collection of links

Bild zeigt die Region Wachau rund um Spitz an der Donau

The Wachau is an Austrian valley with a picturesque landscape

Helpful information for recognition

  • https://www.berufsanerkennung.at - on this website you will find a lot of important information regarding your professional recognition, and you can customise your settings. The Austrian Integration Fund (Österreichischer Integrationsfonds – ÖIF) supports you in your integration and the recognition of your professional qualifications. The website is available in eight different languages.
  • https://www.anlaufstelle-anerkennung.at - do you already live in Austria and would like to get your education and training recognised? The AST | Contact Point for people who gained professional qualifications abroad (Anlaufstelle für Personen mit im Ausland erworbenen Qualifikationen) supports you during the entire process and assists you with advice. We recommend contacting AST right from the beginning of the process.
  • info[at]integration.at - for information from the integration centre Lower Austria (Integrationszentrum Niederösterreich) for asylum seekers, persons granted subsidiary protection and displaced persons. All funding opportunities can be discussed here.
  • https://www.aerztekammer.at/aerztliche-taetigkeit-in-oesterreich - as a doctor, you must have your qualifications recognised by the Austrian Medical Chamber (Österreichische Ärztekammer – ÖÄK). On ÖÄK’s website you will find information on the entire recognition process. The information sheet (English version) lists the appropriate steps in detail and the respective contact persons.
  • https://learngerman.dw.com - free-of-charge offers for learning German as self-study, available in almost 20 different languages

Varied Jobs

Our institutions all over Lower Austria have many varied jobs to offer. We are not only looking for doctors and professional caretakers on a regular basis – at our sites we offer jobs in many different groups of professions.

We are constantly looking for committed colleagues in order to remain one of the biggest health services providers in Europe.

Apply with just a few clicks and start your career in Lower Austria:

Medical Jobs

Nursing Jobs